Denture Stabilization
For people looking to replace multiple missing teeth with dentures, they can be deterred by the common frustrations of dentures. They slide around when you eat and talk and dentures prevent you from being able to eat your favorite crunchy and chewy foods. By combining the modern approach of dental implants with the affordability of dentures; this process is called denture stabilization. There are millions of adults in the United States missing one or more of their natural teeth and they do not need to live without a full set of teeth, natural and false. Single tooth dental implants are the most common options for people, but this process can be timely and expensive for people with multiple missing teeth.
Dentures are very common for people looking to replace multiple missing teeth with one prosthetic; they are not completely out of everyone’s budget and they can make day to day living better. The cost for replacing an entire jaw or mouth of teeth is meager when compared to single tooth dental implant. A full set of dentures can cost less than a couple of dental implants and their associated procedures.
As common as dentures are, they can make daily life more problematic when the dentures slide around while eating and talking, leaving sores on the gums from improper fit. Additionally, people can look to denture adhesive to help secure the dentures in place but getting the proper amount of adhesive in place, removing excess by having to brush your already tender gums, and the taste the adhesive leaves behind in your mouth are additional issues to address. Now denture stabilization is a way for people to maximize two different tooth replacement options.
Understanding Denture Stabilization
As mentioned above, it is common knowledge that dentures slide around in your mouth but when they are attached to dental implants, they can remain firmly in place without movement until you or the dentist removes them.
The popularity of implant supported dentures is increasing and the dental implants can help prevent future bone loss in the jaw. When the implants are placed in the jawbone, they fuse with the bone through bone tissue growing around the implant and attaching it to the bone. With traditional dentures, the jaw bone will continue to use density because it is no longer supporting teeth roots. As the jaw bone changes shape, the dentures will need to be replaced and updated to the new shape. With dental implants, the dentures can be a more permanent and long lasting prosthetic.
Some versions of implant supported dentures are only able to be removed by the dentist for cleaning and repairs. This type of implant supported denture is able to remain in your mouth overnight whereas traditional dentures need to be removed at night for cleaning while you clean your mouth separately. Other versions of the implant supported dentures can be removed by you at home so you can keep the same routine you have with traditional dentures. The dentures are removed at night to be soaked in a solution for disinfecting and moisturizing.
Using implants to support and stabilize dentures allows people to:
- Return to eating their favorite foods. The secure dentures allow you to eat the fresh, unprocessed food recommended by doctors and nutritionists to keep you healthy.
- Speak clearly and without clicking noises.
- Improve the comfort of wearing dentures every day
- Decrease the number of sores and gum irritation from traditional dentures sliding around in their mouth.
- Simplify their cleaning and brushing routines at home for improved long term dental care.
Benefits of Denture Stabilization
When you work with the dentist to improve your traditional dentures or you are working to replace your missing teeth, you will find that stabilized dentures can improve your current situation by:
- Offering a permanent solution to multiple missing teeth without a huge price tag.
- Allows you to speak more clearly and with ease because the dentures do not shift while talking.
- Provides a more comfortable denture wearing experience because the dentures do not cause gum sores.
- Gives you the cleaning and maintenance experience of natural teeth. You can just brush, floss and go to bed without having extra steps cleaning dentures separately from your mouth.
- Improves your overall dental health because you have decreased cases of mouth sores and possibility of infections.
- Allows you to eat more easily, chew your food better, and have improved digestion due to better masticated food.
How Does it Work?
In order to have dentures stabilized, the dentist will need to place implants in your jawbone in strategic places in order to offer the most strength and stability. The jaw bone will need to be strong and dense enough to hold the dental implant in place. Regular dentures sit on top of the gums relying on suction and denture adhesive to remain in place. Implant supported dentures attach to the implants in order to remain in place without any additional adhesive or suction. The dental implants are placed into the jawbone and fuse together with the bone. Dental implants can help prevent the jaw bone from losing bone tissue so some people prefer to use dental implants to stabilize a fixed crown or dental bridgework.
Types of Stabilized Dentures
Ball retained and bar retained are the two main types of ways for the denture to attach to the implant. Ball retained dentures or stud attachment dentures have a ball on one side of the attachment and a socket on the other. When the ball fits into the socket, the dentures are locked in place and you are ready to have a great day! Bar retained dentures use two to five implants where a metal bar is attached across the jaw to each implant. The denture is designed to fit over the bar and clip in place. Both types of stabilized dentures can be permanently placed in your mouth for the dentist to remove for cleaning and adjustments or they can removed by you at home for regular cleaning.