Pain or Swelling in Mouth
If you have ever fallen and or hit your mouth in an accident, then you already know how disruptive pain or swelling in your mouth can be. In order to treat the discomfort, it is important to determine the source of the issue. In the case of severe pain, you should contact the dentist immediately.
Mouth Sores
Cold sores on the outside of the mouth are problematic, but when pain is coming from the inside of your mouth, it could be a canker sore. They are usually easy to see with their white center and red border on the inside of your cheek, on your tongue, or the roof of your mouth. You may even feel the sore before you can see it. Typically canker sores heal on their own, but if you find the sore is not getting better after a week, the dentist may be able to help. Treatments include prescription mouth rinses, antibiotics, or even corticosteroids to relieve the inflammation. Not all sores in your mouth are canker sores and if you have any you are unsure about, be sure to address these with a dental professional.
Mouth or Tooth Injury
In the case of an accident, you are likely to experience a bitten lip, a cracked tooth, scratched gums or even a burnt tongue. If your gums are sore from the edge of a sharp chip, then you probably do not need to make a dental appointment. If your tooth is sore or even visibly cracked, you may notice that you are more sensitive to hot and cold foods. A cracked tooth should not be ignored and can lead to cavities and more serious dental issues. The dentist can help treat the tooth before it causes you more pain or creates a more expensive treatment.
Tooth Decay
If you have started to experience sharp pain in the same area of your mouth or even feel a throbbing sensation, then you may have tooth decay that has developed into a cavity. The sooner you address the cavity, the milder the treatment and the more likely the dentist will be able to repair the tooth. A simple tooth colored filling can resolve the sensitivity from the damage of tooth decay.
Dry Mouth
Certain medical conditions and medications can lead to your salivary glands not producing enough saliva to rinse the debris and bacteria from your teeth and gums. If you have noticed a parched mouth, chronic bad breath, cracks in your lips or even a rougher tongue, then you will want to talk to the dentist about the best treatment plan. In more mild cases, you can rely on eating more carrots and almonds to stimulate your glands, and in more serious cases the dentist may prescribe a medication.
Gum Disease
More than half of American adults suffer from gum disease or the buildup of plaque on the teeth along the gum line that turns into tartar. That plaque causing bacteria inflames and irritates the gums and can lead to more serious periodontitis. Gum disease causes tooth loss, bone loss and gum erosion so it is easier to treat in its earlier stages.