What is Gum Depigmentation?

No one likes having gums that are discolored. While some color issues (like redness) are due to infection or other concerns, in other instances, gums are simply discolored naturally and appear black or brown. To address gums that are otherwise healthy but have an unnatural-looking pigment, gum depigmentation may be an option.

What is Gum Depigmentation?

Gum depigmentation is the process of either reversing pigmentation that has occurred or addressing pigmentation issues that are caused by genetic factors. The process is minimally invasive and can take as little as one visit to complete.

Causes of Pigmentation

There are a variety of different causes of gum pigmentation. Some of these include:

  • Genetics
  • Smoking
  • Medication
  • Illness
  • Poor oral hygiene

Why Gum Depigmentation?

Gum depigmentation, first and foremost, is a cosmetic procedure. It is intended only to address the appearance of the gums and not any underlying oral health issues that led to the pigmentation issues, to begin with.

Many patients undergo gum depigmentation to improve the appearance of their smile, boost their mood, increase their confidence, and help their self-esteem. It is an excellent procedure for those that are self-conscious about the appearance of their gums.

The Treatment Process

The laser gum bleaching (depigmentation) treatment process begins with a trip to your dentist to determine the reason behind the pigmentation issues and to see if you are a good candidate for a depigmentation procedure. If your dentist decides you are a good candidate for depigmentation and you don’t need any additional procedures before the depigmentation, they will schedule you an appointment for the laser gum bleaching procedure.

Before they get started, your dentist will use a local anesthetic to ensure you don’t feel pain during the procedure and to lessen any discomfort. Your dentist will then remove a top layer of gum tissue that will expose the healthy-looking, pink gums underneath. While this may be quick and easy, it may take multiple procedures. You can expect each procedure to last around 20-45 minutes.

It's important to note that there will be some discomfort and sensitivity after the procedure, and your gums may take a couple of weeks to fully heal. With that said, you’ll be able to eat normally as soon as the numbness wears off.

Avoiding Pigmentation

There are certain cases in which pigmentation cannot be avoided. Genetics are an example. This doesn’t mean a patient can’t benefit from the procedure, though!

In order to avoid a gum depigmentation procedure, take good care of your oral health and quit smoking. By taking proper care of your gums, they won’t become brown over time. Brush, floss, rinse, and visit your dentist regularly to ensure healthy gums!

Contact Us Today

If you are unhappy with the color of your gums and would like to learn more about depigmentation, reach out today. We will provide you with an examination to determine whether depigmentation is possible, then schedule an appointment for your depigmentation procedure.

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