What is the Porcelain Veneer Procedure?

Dentists use porcelain for veneers because it can remain durable while being very thin.  Porcelain can be colored to match natural teeth and with proper care, it can last at least a decade.  Instead of shying away from sharing your smile with the world, you can talk to the dentist about what porcelain veneers could do to change your confidence.  The process from start to finish is minimally painful and can result in a more white, balanced smile.

Tooth Trimming

First, the dentist will need to trim the tooth so it will be ready for the porcelain veneers chapel hill nc.  The dentist will remove any decay and adjust the enamel layer.  If the tooth decay requires a filling or if you have an old filling in place, the dentist will replace the old filling.  In order for the porcelain to bond properly to the filling, it should not be more than two weeks old.

Is A Sedative Required?

Not necessarily.  If your veneers are going to be placed below the gumline, the dentist may suggest a sedative.  The sensitivity of your gums may cause pain during the veneer placement procedure so the sedative can help you feel more comfortable.  Other people have dental phobias so sedatives can make the procedure less stressful.

Selecting A Shade for The Veneer

You and the dentist can review the color options for your porcelain based on the rest of your teeth and your smile goals.

Teeth Impression

The dentist will need to take an impression of the tooth you are restoring as well as the surrounding teeth and gums.  The impression process involves applying a paste to the teeth and biting down into a tray.  The dentist may even take a photo of the teeth to determine how to proceed.

A Temporary Veneer Is Applied If Necessary

After the dentist prepares the tooth and before the permanent veneer is complete, the dentist may apply a temporary veneer to protect the tooth.

Evaluating the Fit

When the permanent veneer is ready, the dentist will check and trim the veneer before cementing it in place.  The small adjustments can prevent bigger problems with your bite later.

Bonding It on The Tooth

After you and the dentist determine that the veneer is the right shade, shape and look, the dentist will polish your veneer and tooth to prepare for bonding.

Next, the dentist will use an acid gel on the surface of the tooth to create a surface that helps keep a strong bond for the veneer. The dentist removes the gel and then applies the bonding cement to the veneer before applying the chosen shade inside the veneer.  The dentist will use a blue light for about a minute to secure the veneer in place.

Once the veneer is secured to the tooth, the dentist may need to make a few additional adjustments to make sure you leave the office with the smile you have been working towards together.  Your restored tooth should seamlessly blend in with your natural teeth.

More on Veneers : Composite vs Porcelain Veneers

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Cornerstone Family Dentistry Chapel Hill NC

High-Quality Dental Care

At Cornerstone Family Dentistry in Chapel Hill, all our services are performed with the patient in mind. We want you to feel comfortable in the dental chair, confident in our work, and most importantly, we want you to fall in love with your smile again. If you would like to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions about cosmetic procedures that we offer, please contact us at (919) 595-1010.