What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Most adults get their wisdom teeth between the ages of 17-25 years. When this last set of adult molars come in, it usually results in a discussion with your dentist about your options. For most young adults, wisdom teeth are too large to fit in their mouth, forcing the teeth to come in at an odd angle or put pressure on nearby teeth. Due to the complications that wisdom teeth can cause, dentists usually recommend that wisdom teeth should be removed before or shortly after they come in. The wisdom teeth extraction procedure is common and fairly straight forward. Here is a bit more information about the procedure and what to expect from the recovery period.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Procedure

Not everyone will need to have their wisdom teeth removed. If your dentist has recommended you need to have an extraction procedure, its likely because they foresee your wisdom teeth causing complications in your mouth. The extraction procedure can be performed in just a few hours. Depending on your oral health and your wisdom teeth, the extraction may be performed by either your dentist or an oral surgeon. At the start of the procedure, your dentist will give you anesthesia to help you remain comfortable. If the wisdom teeth are impacted and trapped below the gum tissue, the dentist or surgeon will need to make small incisions to access and remove the teeth. If the teeth have fully come in and have broken through the tissue, they will just need to be pulled like a normal tooth extraction. After all of the wisdom teeth have been extracted, the area will be cleaned and the wounds will be stitched closed.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

The procedure recovery period will usually last 3-5 days and shouldn’t be too painful. The best way to make your recovery as smooth and pain free as possible is to be prepared prior to the procedure. Your dentist will provide you instructions on medications, and what to eat and not eat during the recovery. To help your mouth heal quickly, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions. Prior to the procedure stock up on suggested foods and drinks. Immediately after the procedure you should stick to liquids. After liquids you can start to switch to soft foods. Examples of liquid and soft foods that are good post-procedure include:

  • apple sauce
  • yogurt
  • smoothies
  • broths and soups
  • mashed potatoes
  • Jell-O, pudding, and ice cream

After your mouth starts to heal, which should be day 2 or 3, you can slowly try more normal semi-soft food. Approximately a week after your procedure you should be able to return to normal eating.

Foods to Avoid After Extraction

Your dentist will recommend that immediately after the procedure you avoid any acidic foods, spicy foods, seeds, and any foods that are tough to chew. Grains and seeds can get caught in the wounds and cause pain and swelling. Any foods that are tough to chew should also be avoided as they can cause damage and delay healing.

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Cornerstone Family Dentistry Chapel Hill NC

High-Quality Dental Care

At Cornerstone Family Dentistry in Chapel Hill, all our services are performed with the patient in mind. We want you to feel comfortable in the dental chair, confident in our work, and most importantly, we want you to fall in love with your smile again. If you would like to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions about cosmetic procedures that we offer, please contact us at (919) 595-1010.